The Benefits of Meditation
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Why meditating? The benefits are endless and scientifcally proved. This century needs meditation more than ever as the outside stimuli are increasing and the world is going faster and faster. Meditation is a good way for the brain to stay healthy and efficient. -It increases your memory, attention, self-awareness and self-control. -Meditation increases blood flow to your brain. -It reduces cortisol production. -Meditation reduces blood pressure and heart rate. -It increases neuroplasticity. -Meditation increases the production of good neurotransmitters including serotonin and dopamine. -It triggers the parasympathetic nervous system, which enables us to rest and recover from stress. -Meditation boosts the immune system. -It causes muscle relaxation. -Meditation slows the ageing process. Psychological benefits of meditation: -It reduces stress related conditions such as anxiety and depression. -Meditation increases positive emotions. -It increases focus and present moment awareness. When we meditate, we stimulate the pre-frontal cortex. -Meditation increases emotional stability and intelligence -It increases your capacity to learn. -Meditation increases empathy and compassion. -It increases a sense of connection to your self and others. -Meditation increases your sense of purpose and meaning. There are many ways to meditate :) Open eyes, closed eyes, with a candle, focusing on the breath, or on senses, with music or not, in front of a wall, anywhere, at work, in the middle of the everyday life, in the bus, alone, with a partner, while love making, while cooking... Find the way that is suitable for you. The class is personalized to the student. What is Meditation? Check details in the website.
079 5078278